Five years ago, my mother basically adopted a Maasai family living in Tanzania. Keeping in touch with them is like a mirror to, what I feel may be, our ancient heritage. Hopefully the results for Mommy will be specific and revealing :)
From Tanzania We receive news of glad tidings & births, videos showcasing local teens singing joyously when they receive their Christmas gifts from our church. We also mourn with them when we receive news of despair, when the crops fail due to drought, or an illness allows a family member to fall sick. We get so tickled hearing their little son call my youngest brother’s name “Matthew!!!!” with warrior-like authority in smatterings of Maasai, German & English that only another toddler truly understands. We feel truly connected in real time when they interact with us on social.
Our honorary brother Lemsanya sent us some Maasai crowns and jewelry that his mother made especially for us. We received & wear them with a deeper sense of honor than I have felt in a long time. It was as if we were transported instantly through time to receive it as a right of passage. My makeup is inspired by the red-orange designs we see in maasai beauty practices.
I’m very homesick for New York City right now and this month marks one year since I’ve been to see my mother, so sharing this special crowning experience means more than words can express.