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Real Talk...

Ok, so real talk. The first time I met Tracy Ann I was a little confused. As a virtual assistant, most of the time I’m contacted by clients who need help with organization, scheduling, and the like. Tracy Ann showed up to our first meeting with an entire binder of processes she had already come up with for her business and the most colorful calendar I’ve ever seen. She meticulously planned out her social media posting schedule for the year. THE YEAR.

So to say I was impressed (and a little intimidated) is an understatement. Working with Tracy Ann is kind of like working with your quirky best friend who shows up with a Mary Poppins style fanny pack and a fifty-pound printer. Tracy Ann pulls things out of her possession like an over prepared wedding planner. Batteries? Check. Mosquito repellant? Check. Tide To Go? Check.

She has jigsawed an entire backdrop, lighting, cameras, flashes, double-decker printer (we love Mitzy) and spares for ALL of the above into her car, on her own, because she believes in being there 110% for every shoot.

As I’ve watched her work engagement shoots, birthday parties, and charity balls I’m always left completely in awe of her personality- because it’s totally genuine and engaging. I've watched her single-handedly dance her way into a wedding reception she wasn't even the photographer for, giving congratulations and Mazal Tovs to the family as if she knew them!

What I love the most about Tracy Ann's approach is that she has never referred to photography as 'work'. The old saying is ‘if you love what you do you never work a day in your life’, and Tracy Ann embodies this every day. From working with her, I’ve learned as much about trusting the right clients to find me, as I have about the magic of letting go for a moment in front of a camera.


Alisha Unlished

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