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Womb Wellness Journey 2016!

Greetings Mavens! I pray that your lives are blessed with good health, light spirits and all colorufl things fashion & culture. Happiest manifestations for 2016 & beyond to you all :) Speaking of manifestation....I bought my first yoni egg!!!! {~personal womb cheerleading squad comes out & does a million back flips ending with fireworks & standing ovation from the ovaries section~} After hearing women of multicultural backgrounds all speak about the benefits of having a yoni egg & their mystical experiences with it, my interest was definitely peaked. I did some research for about 2 weeks and happen to stumble upon a wonderfully informative website about womb wellness & guess what?......It happened to be a local South Florida business and I thought "right up my alley!"

The Naturotica Wellness website is owned & operated by one of our Cultural Icons / Super Model / Erotic Goddess / Fierce Mother / Entrepreneur Extraordinaire Nerissa Irving, also know as Nerissa Nefertari. With professional accolades such as Playboy Model & Magazine Editor coupled with a crown full of mesmerizing regal locs of a lifetime worth of hair, we definitely look to her as an authority in the field of all things sensuality based. Her business, Naturotica Wellness, sells a wide variety of womb wellness products & there is a wealth of knowledge for a great read {~I actually read the site in it's entirety~}So not only does she advocate for the outer appearance of a woman's beauty but is also a true believer in taking excellent care of one's inner beauty as well.

The site has a plethora of yoni eggs so it was very important to me that I took the time to meditate on each of the properties of that which I would presum to insert into my womb. After some deep thought, I finally figured out the Picture Jasper would be the stone that most closely suits my womb wellness goals. As a photographer who holds vivid memories from not only my own life, but also the lives of my clients, I most certainly resonated with the Picture Jasper as "It contains a message and/or “picture” from the past. Picture Jasper is a stone of proportion and harmony and stimulates creative visualisation. It helps to bring hidden thoughts and feelings - griefs, fears, guilt, envy, love, hope - to the surface, to be released."

After watching about 7 youtubers instructions on yoni egg use, I started to commune with it to set my intentions. Then last night, I put my egg under my pillow. Sure enough I dreamt about those things that I forgot were stored in my sub-conscious mind that I needed to remember in order to release! Towards the end of the dream, this morning, I even inserted my yoni egg into my womb...{~IN THE DREAM PEOPLE!!!!!!~} When I awoke, I had a completely peaceful countenance on my face, an energy of serenity washed over my body, with a knowing that an amazing journey has just begun. Definitely recommend yoni eggs to anyone brave enough to satrt a journey of a lifetime to womb wellness & beyond.

{~All photos taken from the Naturotica Wellness website~}


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