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Hand Over The Slay

Have you ever gotten something online {~shout outs to my fellow online shoppers!!!~} from Shoe Dazzle, Just Fab or ALDO {~my faves for shoes~} and when you get the merch in the mail you get a major shop-a-holic-epic-fail type of feeling in your gut?! You give it a real go, try to make it work with your original vision and it just won't quite fit the bill. "Why did this happen to me?" we ask ourselves in the midst of our frustration, only to realize hmmmm, I think these fierce gold & black booties that I thought were a God send actually may not be for me. I personally am surrounded by fierce besties who will slay to the moon and back, fearlessly, flawlessly and so I tend to get this knawing feeling like "why this looks like it belongs in my friend's arsenal?" {~growls and snarls~}. There comes a time in a fashionista's life when we are faced with these confrontations and there's simply one thing to do...HAND OVER THE SLAY!!! Here you go Erika Everett, with your unapologetically sparkly self. Hope you enjoy these babies as much as I thought I would xoxo

© 2021 by Miami Culture Maven

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