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Lavish Library: The Alchemist

I'm coming to realize that in order to blog, you have to love reading! And I'm not only talking other blogs either {~because we definitely do plenty of that!~} But great books in their traditional printed form :)

The Alchemist, one of many successful books by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho, is a must read for any & everybody above 4th grade! This easy read {~filled with gloriously illustrative lingo~} reminds us not only to pursue our personal legends during our lifetimes, but that we may be overlooking our own personal treasures! All the while of course, living for the unforgettable adventures along the way.

The 25th anniversary edition is complete with rough uneven page edges that seemingly transport the reader into the days of old when shepherding was a popular lifestyle of choice for the wanderer.

Get this book NOW! {~Like YESTERDAY now~} Read this in 1 day, while relaxing in a cool spring/summer breeze. Repeat as needed!


~Miami Culture Maven

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