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Life Is Full Of This & That's....

Life... Hmph, life seems to be filled with this and thats,

tits for tats, moments of good and bad rotating back to back,

its a war with the woes of life and you make every attempt at striking back,

enjoying life without a care in the world,

being a connoisseur of every moment just to share with the world....

-Nok Cityy

To some I am a poet, a spoken word artist, and hip hop artist. While others yet may place me under an even wider array of this and that. My name, "Nok Cityy" has been associated with almost every form of entertainment in South Florida at some time or another. But, when its all said and done, I am a self-proclaimed connoissuer of life. So journey with me through life and it's many pleasures... Life is full of this and thats, so let us all be connoissuers and enjoy every moment...

Stay cultured my friends....


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